Collecting Fees from Sellers

Learn how to configure what fees your platform charges against sellers for processing payments.

The fees that are charged against sellers gets determined by the Fee Profile of the seller. A fee profile lists each fee type and the amount to charge the seller when the fee gets triggered.

Different events in Finix will trigger fees to get charged. Most of them are triggered when a Transfer moves to SUCCEEDED. We provide a Fee Profile Merchant report that details all the fee profiles configured across all Merchants.

Available Fees

Below is a list of all the fees that can be included in a seller's Fee Profile.

Card Fees

Field Type Description
basis_points integer, optional Percentage-based fee incurred against the full amount of each card-based Transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%)
fixed_fee integer, optional Fee in cents incurred for each individual card-based Transfer
charge_interchange boolean, optional Set to True to incur interchange fees for card-based Transfers
rounding_mode integer, optional Pass in AGGREGATE if you want to round after the settlement calculation. Default is rounding before the sum of the settlement calculation (i.e. round each fee transfer)
tags object, optional Key value pair for annotating custom meta data (e.g. order numbers)
cross_border_fixed_fee integer, optional Fee in cents incurred for each individual card-based Transfer that is deemed to be cross-border (Non-US)
cross_border_basis_points integer, optional Percentage-based fee incurred against the full amount of each card-based Transfer that is deemed to be cross-border (Non-US). Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%)
ancillary_fixed_fee_primary integer, optional Fee in cents incurred for each individual Transfer
ancillary_fixed_fee_secondary integer, optional Fee in cents incurred for each individual Transfer

Card Brand Specific Fees


Field Type Description
visa_basis_points integer, optional Percentage-based fee incurred against the full amount of each Visa Transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%)
visa_fixed_fee integer, optional Fee in cents incurred for each individual Visa Transfer
visa_charge_interchange integer, optional Set to True to incur interchange fees for Visa Transfers
visa_assessments_basis_points integer, optional Applies to all Visa credit transactions
visa_acquirer_processing_fixed_fee integer, optional All U.S.-based credit card authorizations acquired in the U.S. regardless of where the issuer/cardholder is located. If your business is based in the U.S., the acquirer processing fee will apply to all Visa credit card authorizations
visa_credit_voucher_fixed_fee integer, optional Applies to refunds
visa_kilobyte_access_fixed_fee integer, optional Charged on each authorization transaction submitted to Visa's network for settlement
visa_base_II_system_file_transmission_fixed_fee integer, optional Applies to all Visa transactions and is charged in addition to other transaction-based assessments
visa_base_II_credit_voucher_fixed_fee integer, optional Applies to all U.S.-based refund


Field Type Description
mastercard_basis_points integer, optional Percentage-based fee incurred against the full amount of each MasterCard Transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%)
mastercard_fixed_fee integer, optional Fee in cents incurred for each individual MasterCard Transfer
mastercard_charge_interchange integer, optional Set to True to incur interchange fees for MasterCard Transfers
mastercard_assessments_under1k_basis_points integer, optional Assessment applies to Mastercard transactions less than or equal to $1,000
mastercard_assessments_over1k_basis_points integer, optional Assessment applies to Mastercard credit sale transactions greater than $1,000
mastercard_acquirer_fees_basis_points integer, optional Fee is assessed on a business's gross MasterCard processing volume. This fee varies per acquirer based on MasterCard's assessed charge as it's distributed across the acquirer's portfolio of merchants. Generally, the ALF fee is a fraction of a basis point. For example, 0.0045%, 0.0075%, etc. are examples of a likely ALF fee.

American Express

Field Type Description
american_express_basis_points integer, optional Percentage-based fee incurred against the full amount of each American Express Transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%)
american_express_fixed_fee integer, optional Fee in cents incurred for each individual American Express Transfer
american_express_charge_interchange integer, optional Set to True to incur interchange fees for American Express Transfers
american_express_assessment_basis_points integer, optional Applies to gross American Express card volume


Field Type Description
jcb_basis_points integer, optional Percentage-based fee incurred against the full amount of each JCB Transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%)
jcb_fixed_fee integer, optional Fee in cents incurred for each individual JCB Transfer
jcb_charge_interchange integer, optional Set to True to incur interchange fees for JCB Transfers


Field Type Description
discover_basis_points integer, optional Percentage-based fee incurred against the full amount of each Discover Transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%)
discover_fixed_fee integer, optional Fee in cents incurred for each individual Discover Transfer
discover_charge_interchange integer, optional Set to True to incur interchange fees for Discover Transfers
discover_assessments_basis_points integer, optional Assessment applies to gross Discover card transaction volume
discover_data_usage_fixed_fee integer, optional Applies to all U.S.-based authorization transactions
discover_network_authorization_fixed_fee integer, optional This fee will applies to all Discover network authorizations and will replace the previously assessed Data Transmission

Diner's Club

Field Type Description
diners_club_basis_points integer, optional Percentage-based fee incurred against the full amount of each Diners Transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%)
diners_club_fixed_fee integer, optional Fee in cents incurred for each individual Diners Transfer
diners_club_charge_interchange integer, optional Set to True to incur interchange fees for Diners Transfers

ACH Fees

Field Type Description
ach_fixed_fee integer, optional Fee in cents incurred for each individual Transfer
ach_basis_points integer, optional Percentage-based fee incurred against the full amount of an ACH (eCheck Debit). Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%)
ach_basis_points_fee_limit integer, optional Maximum ach_basis_points fee (in cents) incurred for each individual Transfer.

ACH Return Fees

Field Type Description
ach_debit_return_fixed_fee integer, optional A fixed amount (in cents) that will be charged to the seller for receiving an ACH Debit Return.
ach_credit_return_fixed_fee integer, optional A fixed amount (in cents) that will be charged to the seller for receiving an ACH Credit Return.

Dispute Specific Fees

Field Type Description
dispute_inquiry_fixed_fee integer, optional Applied when a dispute is created in state INQUIRY
dispute_fixed_fee integer, optional Applied when a dispute is created or moved to state PENDING