Notifications and Webhooks

Learn how to get notified about updates throughout the seller onboarding process

Sellers go through several steps during onboarding – for example, from submitting an onboarding form to getting approved. To keep your team in-the-loop about your sellers' progress during onboarding, Finix offers notifications in multiple formats: dashboard and email, as well as developer webhooks.


Finix offers notifications for these onboarding lifecycle events:

  1. Onboarding Form Submitted
  2. Merchant Approved
  3. Merchant Rejected
  4. Merchant Updates Requested
  5. Merchant Updates Submitted

Subscribing to Notifications

You can subscribe to notifications by visiting Settings > User > Notification Settings [1]. You can subscribe to Dashboard or email notifications for each lifecycle event individually.

Notifications Settings

Viewing Notifications

When one of your Merchants moves through any of those lifecycle events, Finix will notify you via Dashboard and/or email. On the Dashboard, you will see notifications under the bell icon [1], as well as floating on the righthand side of your page [2].

Notifications Example


To receive updates about Merchant lifecycle events programatically, you can subscribe to these webhooks:

Webhook properties
Lifecycle event
Merchant is created merchant created merchants[0].onboarding_state: PROVISIONING
verification created verifications[0].state: PENDING
Merchant is approved merchant underwritten merchants[0].onboarding_state: APPROVED
merchant updated merchants[0].onboarding_state: APPROVED
verification updated verifications[0].state: SUCCEEDED
Merchant is rejected merchant updated merchants[0].onboarding_state: REJECTED
verification updated verifications[0].state: FAILED
Merchant updates requested merchant updated merchants[0].onboarding_state: UPDATE_REQUESTED
verification updated verifications[0].state: FAILED
Merchant updates submitted verification created verifications[0].state: PENDING

See our webhooks guide for information on how to integrate into our webhooks.