Tokenization - Android

Learn how to build a tokenization form for your Android app to accept payment details securely.

This article details how to build a tokenization form for your Android app. The payment details buyers submit in the tokenization form are secured via tokenization and stored in Finix's vault, so payment information is never exposed and minimizes your PCI scope.

If you have questions about building your app's tokenization form, reach out to your Finix point of contact or email the Finix Support team.


The library is built 100% on Kotlin utilizing the Jetpack Compose library for the UI. A demo app is available in the following Github repo: Finix Android Payment Sheet app.

We host the library on Maven Central, so verify you have mavenCentral() in your buildscript inside the build.gradle project.

buildscript {
 repositories {

After you confirm Maven Central is in your buildscript, you can import our library by adding the following to your gradle file:

buildscript {
    ext.finix_version = '0.3.7'

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.finix:finix-android-payment-sheet:finix_version'

Step 1: Create a Kotlin File

Create a new Kotlin file and save it with the .kt extension.

Next, create a function to handle the tokenization form. You can define it using the following:

fun showMyPaymentSheet() {
        onDismiss = { /*TODO*/ },
        onNegativeClick = { /*TODO*/ },
        onPositiveClick = { token -> }

Step 2: Launch the Tokenization Form

Using the viewModel, you can control when exactly the tokenization form is called on the MainCheckOutScreen and prompts the buyer to enter their information.

Add in the relevant logic so the tokenization form gets called when you'd want your buyers to enter their information:

fun MainCheckOutScreen() {
    val viewModel = viewModel<CheckOutViewModel>()
    val state = viewModel.state

    if(state.showMyPaymentSheet ) {


When the tokenization form is returned successfully, save the token response contained in onPositiveClick:

onPositiveClick = { token ->

It contains the results of the tokenization request and the buyer's tokenized payment details.

The structure of the token is:

data class TokenizedResponse(
    val id:String?,
    val fingerprint:String?,
    val createdAt:String?,
    val updatedAt:String?,
    val type:String?,
    val expiresAt:String?,
    val currency:String?,

For a detailed example of how to use our Android tokenization library, see the following GitHub repo: Finix Android Payment Sheet app.

Step 3: Create a Payment Instrument

With the token saved, you're ready to process a transaction. Before you can use the tokenized details in a transaction, you must create a Payment Instrument.

Make a POST request to the /payment_instrument endpoint and create a Payment Instrument with the relevant token and Identity information.

The token to use is available in the TokenResponse. The structure of the TokenResponse is:

id: \(
fingerprint: \(instrument.fingerprint)
created: \(instrument.created)
updated: \(instrument.updated)
instrument: \(instrument.instrument)
expires: \(instrument.expires)
isoCurrency: \(instrument.isoCurrency)

Use new tokens immediately to create a Payment Instrument. Tokens expire 30 minutes after being created.

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
    -u  USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \
    -d '
            "token": "TKghUufLdh4QQ96CBi928HP3",
            "type": "TOKEN",
            "identity": "IDgWxBhfGYLLdkhxx2ddYf9K"

HTTP Request


Request Arguments

Field Type Description
address object, required Billing address (Full description of child attributes below)

Note: Including a postal or zip code when creating a Payment Instrument can lower the interchange on credit card transactions
identity string, required ID for the Identity resource which the account is to be associated
name string, required Full name of the registered card holder
token string, required ID for the Token that was returned via the tokenization client
type string, required Must pass TOKEN as the value

Address-object Request Arguments

Field Type Description
city string, optional City (max 20 characters)
country string, optional 3-Letter Country code
line1 string, optional First line of the address (max 35 characters)
line2 string, optional Second line of the address (max 35 characters)
postal_code string, required Zip or Postal code (max 7 characters)
region string, optional 2-letter State code

Example Response

    "id": "PImmCg3Po7oNi7jaZcXhfkEu",
    "created_at": "2022-10-10T05:32:17.78Z",
    "updated_at": "2022-10-10T05:35:04.55Z",
    "application": "APgPDQrLD52TYvqazjHJJchM",
    "created_via": "API",
    "currency": "USD",
    "enabled": true,
    "fingerprint": "FPRiCenDk2SoRng7WjQTr7RJY",
    "identity": "IDgWxBhfGYLLdkhxx2ddYf9K",
    "instrument_type": "PAYMENT_CARD",
    "address": {
        "line1": "900 Metro Center Blv",
        "line2": null,
        "city": "San Francisco",
        "region": "CA",
        "postal_code": "94404",
        "country": "USA"
    "address_verification": "POSTAL_CODE_AND_STREET_MATCH",
    "bin": "520082",
    "brand": "MASTERCARD",
    "card_type": "DEBIT",
    "expiration_month": 12,
    "expiration_year": 2029,
    "issuer_country": "NON_USA",
    "last_four": "8210",
    "name": "Amy White",
    "security_code_verification": "MATCHED",
    "tags": {
        "card_name": "Business Card"
    "type": "PAYMENT_CARD",
    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": ""
        "authorizations": {
            "href": ""
        "transfers": {
            "href": ""
        "verifications": {
            "href": ""
        "application": {
            "href": ""
        "identity": {
            "href": ""
        "updates": {
            "href": ""

Step 4: Processing Live Transactions

When you've completed testing, you can take your tokenization form live by making the following changes:

  • Set sandbox to false
  • Add your Application_id
    fun showMyPaymentSheet(viewModel: CheckOutViewModel) {
            onDismiss = { viewModel.setShowMyPaymentSheet(false) },
            onNegativeClick = { viewModel.setShowMyPaymentSheet(false) },
            onPositiveClick = { token ->
            applicationId = MY_APPLICATION_ID,
            isSandbox = false,

Taking your tokenization form live will process real money movements. For details on how to take your sandbox live, see Signing Up for a Finix Account.

Customize Tokenization Forms

You can customize several parts of the tokenization forms to match your brand and voice.


There are two styles available for your app's tokenization form:

  • OutlinedTextField has text fields with rounded corners.
  • ClassicTextField has text fields with square corners and is boxier.
Tokenization Form Styles
OutlinedTextField ClassicTextField
ClassicTextField OutlinedTextField

Once you’ve selected a style, decide on how much information the Tokenization Form should request from buyers.

  • Collect the most information to reduce fraud via Card and AVS checks.
  • Collect less information to speed up the cardholder experience.

For more details on the different Card and AVS checks, see Card and Address Verification Checks.

Types of Tokenization Forms

Several tokenization forms are available to choose from that differ in how much information is requested. We recommend using either the Complete or Partial tokenization form for most use cases.

Payment Sheets

Tokenization Form Types
Information Collected COMPLETE sheet PARTIAL sheet BASIC sheet MINIMAL sheet INTERNATIONAL sheet BANK ACCOUNT sheet
ClassicTextField Function Name CompletePaymentSheet PartialPaymentSheet BasicPaymentSheet MinimalPaymentSheet InternationalPaymentSheet BankAccountSheet
OutlinedTextField Function Name CompletePaymentSheetOutlined PartialPaymentSheetOutlined BasicPaymentSheetOutlined MinimalPaymentSheetOutlined InternationalPaymentSheetOutlined BankAccountSheetOutlined
Name X X X
Card X X X X
Expiration Date X X X X
Address X
Address Ext. X
City X
State X
ZIP/Postal Code X X X
Country and Region
Accounting Number X
Routing Number X

Customizing Tokenization Forms

Once you’ve chosen a tokenization form, you can begin customizing it to fit the look and feel of your application.

The complete list of items you can add to the tokenization form includes the following:

fun CompletePaymentSheetOutlined(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    applicationId: String = "",
    isSandbox: Boolean = true,
    paymentSheetResources: PaymentSheetResources = PaymentSheetResources(),
    paymentSheetColors: PaymentSheetColors = PaymentSheetColors(),
    logoTextStyle: TextStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.headlineSmall,
    textStyle: TextStyle = LocalTextStyle.current,
    buttonTextFont: TextUnit = BUTTON_TEXT_FONT,
    onDismiss: () -> Unit,
    onNegativeClick: () -> Unit,
    onPositiveClick: (TokenizedResponse) -> Unit
Parameter Type Default Description
applicationID String, optional none Update this to your Application#id, so you can manage the tokens. If not included, you won't be able to create Payment Instruments with the results of the sheet.
isSandbox Boolean, optional true (Sandbox) Update this to false if you want to create tokens in a live environment.
paymentSheetResources object, optional See below Add custom images and text to the tokenization form.
paymentSheetColors object, required See below Customize the colors of the tokenization form.
logoTextStyle TextStyle, required MaterialTheme.typography.headlineSmall Configure the styling of the text in the logo.
textStyle TextStyle, required LocalTextStyle.current Configure the styling of the text in the input fields.
data class PaymentSheetResources(
    @DrawableRes val logoDrawable: Int = R.drawable.ic_default_logo,
    @StringRes val logoText: Int = R.string.default_logo_text,
    @StringRes val tokenizeButtonText: Int = R.string.btn_tokenize,
    @StringRes val cancelButtonText: Int = R.string.btn_cancel,
    val cancelButtonWeight: Float = 0.6f,
    val tokenizeButtonWeight: Float = 0.8f,
Parameter Type Default Description
logoDrawable int, required Defaults to a logo for Daphne's Corner. The image at the top of the tokenization form. Replace this with your own logo. The uploaded logo will have a 76.dp radius.
logoText int, required Daphne’s Corner The header to the right of logoDrawable. Update this with your company name or the name of the tokenization form. The header will be centered on the page.
tokenizeButtonText int, required Tokenize The text inside the button buyers press to submit the sheet.
cancelButtonText int, required Cancel The text buyers press to leave the tokenization form.
tokenizeButtonWeight float, required Tokenize Control the spacing of the Tokenize button.
cancelButtonWeight float, required Cancel Control the spacing of the Cancel button.


data class PaymentSheetColors(
    val surface: Color = Color.White,
    val logoTextColor: Color = Color.Black,
    val textColor: Color = Color.Black,
    val errorContainerColor: Color = FinixErrorTextSurface,
    val containerColor: Color = FinixGray,
    val focusedIndicatorColor: Color = FinixBlue,
    val unfocusedIndicatorColor: Color = Color.Transparent, //hide the indicator
    val focusedLabelColor: Color = FinixBlue,
    val unfocusedLabelColor: Color = Color.Black,
    val placeholderColor: Color = FinixPlaceHolderTextGray,
    val errorIndicatorColor: Color = FinixErrorRed,
    val errorLabelColor: Color = FinixErrorRed,
    val errorPlaceholderColor: Color = FinixPlaceHolderTextGray,
    val tokenizeButtonColor: Color = FinixBlue,
    val tokenizeButtonTextColor: Color = Color.White,
    val cancelButtonColor: Color = FinixRed,
    val cancelButtonTextColor: Color = Color.White,
Name Type Default Description
surface Color, Required Color.White The color of the tokenization form background.
logoTextColor Color, Required Color.Black The color of the title text.
textColor Color, Required Color.Black The color of the input text used in text fields.
containerColor Color, Required FinixGray The surface color of the textfield.
errorContainerColor Color, Required FinixErrorTextSurface The surface color of the textfield when there's an error.
errorBorderColor Color, Required FinixErrorRed The color of the textfield border when there's an error.
focusedIndicatorColor Color, Required FinixBlue The color of the textfield border when the field is active.
unfocusedIndicatorColor Color, Required Color.Transparent The color of the textfield border when the field is inactive and not being used.
focusedLabelColor Color, Required FinixBlue The color of the textfield label when the field is active.
unfocusedLabelColor Color, Required Color.Black The color of the textfield label when the field is inactive and not being used.
errorLabelColor Color, Required FinixErrorRed The color of the textfield label when there's an error.
placeholderColor Color, Required FinixPlaceHolderTextGray The color of the textfield placeholder.
tokenizeButtonColor Color, Required FinixBlue The surface color of the tokenize button.
tokenizeButtonTextColor Color, Required Color.White The color of the text in the tokenize button.
cancelButtonColor Color, Required FinixRed The surface color of the cancel button
cancelButtonTextColor Color, Required Color.White The color of the text in the cancel button.

Debugging Tokenization Forms

Our Android tokenization library uses the following libraries and dependencies:

android {

    compileSdk 33
    defaultConfig {
        minSdk 24
        targetSdk 33

        aarMetadata {
            minCompileSdk = 24

    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = 11

    buildFeatures {
        compose true

    composeOptions {
        kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion '1.4.0-alpha02'

Name       Version
Kotlin       org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-bom:1.8.10
Kotlin Compose       androidx.compose:compose-bom:2023.01.00
Kotlin Complier       kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion '1.4.0-alpha02'
  • androidx.compose.material3:material3:1.2.0-alpha01
  • androidx.compose.material3:material3-window-size-class:1.2.0-alpha01

Before using our Android Tokenization library, verify you're using a compatible versions of our SDK and have a compatible version of Kotlin installed:

  • minSdk : 24
  • targetSdk : 33
  • compileSdk : 33

If you run into any issues, verify you have the minimum or latest version of the relevant dependency installed. For details on how to update any of the above, see: Compose to Kotlin Compatibility Map.

If you continue to run into issues, please feel free to reach out to the Finix Support Team.