Error Codes

This guide lists all the error codes that Finix uses and what each of them means.

HTTP Error Status Codes

Finix uses an HTTP status code to communicate the success or failure of an API Call:

  • A 2xx HTTP status code gets used for all successful API calls.
  • A 4xx or 5xx HTTP status code gets used for errors.

You can test Transfers and Authorizations for specific responses and errors.

Requests to Finix's API return a response within less than a second. However, communications between card networks and processors can increase the time it takes to return a response.

Note: For card-present devices, response times can take longer depending on how quickly buyers complete a transaction on the payment terminal.

Because of this, requests to the Finix API have a maximum timeout of 5 minutes.

These are the HTTP status codes Finix uses for errors.

HTTP Code error.code Description
400 BAD_REQUEST You provided a request that can not be successfully parsed. Verify you are providing valid JSON.
401 UNKNOWN We could not authenticate your request. You used an incorrect API Key.
402 UPSTREAM_PROCESSOR_ERROR Errors caused by 3rd party service.
DECLINED The authorization was declined. Use the failure_code and failure_message for more details.
403 FORBIDDEN Your credentials don't have the right permissions to submit the request.
404 NOT_FOUND The specified resource could not be found.
405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED The HTTP request method used to submit the request is not supported by the specified resource.
406 NOT_ACCEPTABLE The server can't accept the submitted request. Double-check how the request was formatted and submitted.
409 CONFLICT The submitted request conflicts with the current state of the server.
422 UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY The parameters were valid but the request failed. The error is usually some misunderstanding of various steps that have to be executed in order (e.g. attempting to initiate a transfer on behalf of a merchant that has not yet been approved).
INVALID_FIELD A provided field has an invalid value.
429 TOO_MANY_REQUESTS A rate limit has been reached. Please wait, and try your request again after some time has passed.
500 SERVER_ERROR We had a problem with our server. Try again later.

Error Response Body

All errors return an array of errors. Below is an example of one error that can be returned from any resource (except Transfers and Authorizations).

For Transfer and Authorization errors see Transfer and Authorization Errors.

  "total" : 1,
  "_embedded" : {
    "errors" : [ {
      "logref" : "d4ee0b6cdb67686f0c1ec0780e5b4296",
      "message" : "Malformed request. ",
      "code" : "BAD_REQUEST",
      "_links" : {
        "self" : {
          "href" : ""
    } ]


Field Description
error.code A code to programmatically handle the error.
error.logref A unique identifier for this specific API request and response.
error.message A human-readable description of the error. Not to be coded/programmed to.

Transfer and Authorization Errors

Some declines, Transfers, and Authorizations return a 4xx response when declined. We include additional information in the errors object about the decline, and the ID of the declined Transfer or Authorization in the response.

We still create a Transfer or Authorization resource in the background, so you have a clear list of approved and declined payments.

    "total": 1,
    "_embedded": {
        "errors": [
                "logref": "3fe8e6ab1e8cf44f",
                "message": "Authorization AUst6ZdywPwe4fbYWrH1zTNJ was declined Cause: Authorization AUst6ZdywPwe4fbYWrH1zTNJ could not be submitted. Cause: Generic Decline",
                "code": "DECLINED",
                "authorization": "AUst6ZdywPwe4fbYWrH1zTNJ"
                "failure_code": "GENERIC_DECLINE",
                "failure_message": "The card was declined for an unknown reason. The cardholder needs to contact their issuer for more information.",
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""
                    "authorization": {
                        "href": ""


Field Description
error.authorization The Authorization ID of the declined authorization. This is only populated for authorization errors that result in a created Authorization.
error.code A code to programmatically handle the error. For Authorizations and Transfers this field is now deprecated in favor of failure_code.
error.failure_code The code of the failure so the decline can be handled programmatically.
error.failure_message A human-readable description of why the transaction was declined. This will also include a suggestion on how to complete the payment.
error.logref A unique identifier for this specific API request and response.
error.message A human-readable description of the error. For Authorizations and Transfers this field is now deprecated in favor of failure_message.
error.transfer The Transfer ID of the declined authorization. This is only populated for transfer errors that result in a created Transfer.