
Learn about the reports that get generated on the Finix Dashboard.

Finix offers several pre-defined reports that detail the activity on your account. These reports get generated regularly and are available for review in the Finix Dashboard.

To view these reports:

  1. Log in to your Finix Dashboard .
  2. Click Reports on the left.

The following reports are available on the Finix Dashboard:

Report Name Description
Net Profit Report Per-merchant margin and profitability including fee revenue collected, network and Finix costs, and revenue share.
Consolidated Fees Reports All fees collected, network fees passed through, and program fees charged. Used to audit revenue and cost details by merchant and by transaction, and to perform revenue and cost analysis, and business optimization.
Transaction Reports Transactions including gateway and payout status. Used for operations, customer service, reconciliation, and exceptions management. Includes interchange report by transaction.
Authorization Reports Authorizations including capture status and expiration. Used for operations, reconciliation, and exceptions management.
Transactions Settled All transactions that settled the previous day. Used for operations, customer service, reconciliation, and exceptions management.
Fee Profile - Merchant Active fee profiles for all onboardedmerchants. Used for operations and finance.
Settlement Merchant All settlements generated the previous day, aggregated by theIdentity of the Merchant . Used for daily reconciliation.
Settlement Application All settlements generated the previous day, aggregated byApplication. Used for daily reconciliation.
Settlement Processor All settlements generated the previous day, aggregated byApplication and processor. Used for daily reconciliation.
Chargeback Merchant (Daily) All new chargebacks and any chargebacks with updates from the previous day. The report is blank if there's no new chargeback activity. Used for exceptions management and risk management.
Chargeback Merchant (Historical) Details all chargeback-related metrics formerchants. Merchants with higher disputes in the last 30 days get sorted to the top of the report. Used for exceptions management and risk management.
Failed Funding Instructions Details all the Funding Transfers that got returned. For more information about Funding Transfers, seePayouts.

Net Profit Report

The Net Profit report provides an end-to-end view of all the fees you've collected. This report also breaks down how the collected fees get used for interchange & assessments, program fees, and revenue share.

  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • The report is generated monthly on the 10th day of the following month, unless that day falls on a weekend, bank holiday, or a Monday, in which case the report can be generated as late as the 15th of the month.
  • The report is only available for Flex customers.

The different Net Profit reports that are available include:

File Name Description
net_profit_merchant Details the profit waterfall per Merchant .
net_profit_application Details the profit waterfall per Application.
Field Description
  • ID of the Merchant associated with the transaction.
  • The unique merchant_id begins with MU.
merchant_name The legal name saved in the Merchant resource.
merchant_doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in the Merchant resource.
mid MID of the Merchant.
mcc The Merchant Category Code (MCC) the Merchant is classified under.
card_sale_count Total count of card sales and capture transactions.
card_sale_amount Total amount of card sales and capture transactions.
echeck_sale_count Total count of eCheck (also called ACH payments) sale transactions.
echeck_sale_amount Total amount of eCheck sale transactions.
total_sale_count The total sum ofcard_sale_count and echeck_sale_count (in dollars, e.g. 1102 = $11.02).
total_sale_amount The total sum ofcard_sale_amount and echeck_sale_amount.
card_refund_count The number of card refunds performed (in dollars).
card_refund_amount The total sum of all card refunds (in dollars).
echeck_refund_count The number of eCheck refunds performed.
echeck_refund_amount The total sum of all eCheck refunds (in dollars).
echeck_return_count The number of returned eChecks. Returned eChecks are eCheck transactions that returned as unpaid.
echeck_return_amount The total sum of all returned eChecks. Returned eChecks are eCheck transactions that returned as unpaid.
dispute_count The number of card disputes such as chargebacks. Follow-up dispute activity such as re-presentment is not included here.
dispute_amount The total sum of all of card disputes such as chargebacks (in dollars). If a dispute has multiple movements of money such as if a merchant wins the dispute, those additional money movements don't get included.
card_bps_rate Card transactions only. The base variable fee that was applied to card transactions. This column might not reflect any older rates that applied to this Merchant or for specific transactions.
card_per_item_rate Card transactions only. The base per-item fee that was applied to card transactions. This column might not reflect any older rates that applied to this Merchant or for specific transactions.
card_fees_amount Total sum of card fees collected from the merchant.
echeck_bps_rate eCheck transactions only. The base variable fee that was applied to eCheck transactions. This column might not reflect any older rates that applied to this Merchant or for specific transactions.
echeck_per_item_rate eCheck transactions only. The base per-item fee that was applied to eCheck transactions. This column might not reflect any older rates that applied to this Merchant or for specific transactions.
echeck_fees_amount Total sum of eCheck fees collected from the Merchant.
subscription_fees_amount Total sum of subscription billing fees collected from the Merchant.
other_fees_amount Total sum of any additional fees collected from the Merchant, not in the other three categories of fees.
total_fees_amount Sum of card_fees_amount, echeck_fees_amount, subscription_fees_amount, and other_fees_amount
interchange_fees_amount All card interchange fees assessed. Note: This includes eCheck processing fees.
dues_and_assessments_fees_amount All dues and assessments fees assessed. Note: Due to the time it takes for our processor to deliver data, this column can be incomplete or blank until Finix receives and processes all data up to the 15th day of the following month.
total_network_fees_amount Sum ofinterchange_fees_amount and dues_and_assessments_fees_amount.
total_program_fees_amount All Finix per-transaction and additional fees assessed.
residual_amount Total amount of residual revenue. Representstotal_fees_amount minus total_network_fees_amount and total_program_fees_amount.
application_id ID of theApplication associated with the transaction.
application_business_name The registered name saved in theApplication resource.
application_doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in theApplication resource.
platform_id The ID of thePlatform.
platform_name The name saved in thePlatform resource.
report_created_at A timestamp of when the report was created (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
report_range_start A timestamp that details the beginning of the range covered by this report (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
report_range_end A timestamp that details the end of the range covered by this report (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).

Consolidated Fees Reports

The Consolidated Fees reports provide detailed fee revenue, network cost, and program fee cost line items on a per-merchant, per-cost-occurrence with additional levels of aggregation. You can use these reports to examine specific details of any type of revenue or cost to audit what is happening and also to optimize your business at a merchant level.

  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • The report is generated monthly on the 10th day of the following month, unless that day falls on a weekend, bank holiday, or a Monday, in which case the report can be generated as late as the 15th of the month.
  • The report is only available for Flex customers.

Fees that are detailed include:

  • Total fees revenue collected from merchants, on transactions or otherwise. This includes subscription fee revenue and custom fees.
  • Interchange rates and fees.
  • Dues and assessments from processors and card brands, and other passthrough fees.
  • Payment facilitator program fees charged by Finix.

There are 3 aggregations of this report:

  • consolidated_fees_by_occurrence : Details each fee each time it occurs. In some cases, we report passthrough network assessments fees already aggregated per-merchant as they can not be further broken down per occurrence.
  • consolidated_fees_by_description : This aggregates the by-occurrence report by the fee description, per merchant, so you can examine each fee you're collecting or being charged by merchant, how often, and how much it affects your business economics.
  • consolidated_fees_summary : This is per-merchant, by fee category, so you can see the individual components of profitability. Categories are listed below.
Field Description
  • ID of the Merchant associated with the transaction.
  • The unique merchant_id begins with MU.
  • ID of the merchant's Identity associated with the transaction.
  • The unique merchant_identity_id begins with ID.
merchant_name The legal name saved in the Merchant resource.
merchant_doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in the Merchant resource.
mid MID of the Merchant.
mcc The Merchant Category Code (MCC) the Merchant is classified under.
  • Finix's ID for the Transfer resource.
  • The unique transaction_id begins with TR
transaction_state The status of the transaction. SUCCEEDED, FAILED, or CANCELED.
created_at Timestamp of when the transaction was received by the processor (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
item_type The type of the transaction. See here for more information.
item_subtype The subtype of the transaction. Provides additional details foritem_type. See here for more information.
payment_type The type of payment method used for the transaction. See here for more information.
payment_subtype If available, the subtype of the payment method used for the transaction. See here for more information.
payment_channel For card transactions only. Details if a card was present for the transaction. Available values include:
See here for more information.
card_brand Card transactions only. The brand of the card used.
last_4 Last 4 digits of the payment card or bank account used in the transactions.
statement_descriptor The description of the transaction that appears on the buyer's bank or card statement.
fee_category The primary category of the fee. Choices are:
  • PLATFORM_FEE: Revenue you collect.
  • PASSTHROUGH_FEE: Interchange, assessments, and other fees from processors and card brands.
  • PROGRAM_FEE: Fees collected by Finix.
fee_type Additional details on the fee, such as if it's a transaction fee (collected by you or billed to you), interchange, dues and assessments, and/or additional fees outlined on your Finix MSA.
fee_description A description of the specific revenue collected or fee assessed. Can include detail such as the specific interchange rate.
accrual_level How the fee is collected or assessed. Choices are:
  • PER_TRANSACTION: Collected on each transaction.
  • PER_OCCURRENCE: Collected each time the described event occurs.
fee_id If available, an industry-standard numerical identifier for interchange.
fee_transaction_id If available, the Finix identifier for the fee component of the transaction.
fixed_fee_rate If available, the per-item rate charged for this fee.
variable_fee_rate If available, the variable percentage rate charged for this fee.
fee_count The count of the number of occurrences of this fee.
fee_amount Total fee amount for this line item.
transaction_count If applicable, the count of transactions that this line item is related to.
transaction_amount If applicable, the total amount of transactions that this line item is related to.
application_id ID of theApplication associated with the transaction.
application_business_name The registered name saved in theApplication resource.
application_doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in theApplication resource.
platform_id The ID of theplatform that processed the transaction.
platform_name The name saved in theplatform resource.
report_created_at A timestamp of when the report was created (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
report_range_start A timestamp that details the beginning of the range covered by this report (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
report_range_end A timestamp that details the end of the range covered by this report (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).

Transaction Reports

The Transaction reports detail all sales, captures, refunds, and reversals, along with fees and cost information, plus payout details.

There are 7 variations of these reports:

  • transactions : this report shows you all transactions that succeeded since the previous business day, from midnight-to-midnight US Eastern time zone. This report is delivered to you early morning.
  • transactions_failed : this reports shows you all transactions that did not succeed since the previous business day, from midnight-to-midnight US Eastern time zone. This report is delivered to you early morning.
  • transactions_settled_v3 : this report shows you which transactions since the previous business day were marked as eligible to be paid. This report is only available to Core Platform customers.
  • transactions_unsettled : this report shows you which transactions since the previous business day were not marked as eligible to be paid. Transactions in this report are repeated daily until they are eligible to be paid, usually the next business day. This report is only available to Core Platform customers.
  • transactions_paid : this report shows you all transactions that were paid out to the merchant since the previous business day.
  • transactions_unpaid : this report shows you all transactions that are still awaiting review and pay out. Transactions in this report are repeated daily until they are paid to the merchant, refunded back to the buyer, or otherwise canceled.
  • transaction_interchange : this report shows transactions for which Finix has full cost data including interchange amounts and rates. Note: some transactions do not have interchange cost data either because there was no interchange charged or refunded, or due to reporting limitations from third parties.


  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • The report is generated on bank workdays.
Field Description
  • ID of the Merchant associated with the transaction.
  • The unique merchant_id begins with MU.
  • ID of the merchant's Identity associated with the transaction.
  • The unique merchant_identity_id begins with ID.
merchant_name The legal name saved in the Merchant resource.
merchant_doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in the Merchant resource.
mid MID of the Merchant.
mcc The Merchant Category Code (MCC) the Merchant is classified under.
  • Trace ID of the Transfer. The processor sends back the trace_id so you can track the transaction end-to-end.
  • The unique trace_id begins with FNX, but can change depending on the processor of the transaction.
  • Finix's ID for the Transfer resource.
  • The unique transaction_id begins with TR
transaction_state The status of the transaction. SUCCEEDED, FAILED, or CANCELED.
created_at Timestamp of when the transaction was received by the processor (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
updated_at Timestamp of when the transaction was last updated (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
  • ID of the Payment Instrument associated with the transaction.
  • The unique instrument_id begins with PI.
buyer_name Full name of the buyer associated with the transaction.
buyer_email E-mail of the buyer associated with the transaction.
buyer_zip Postal code of the buyer associated with the transaction.
bin BIN associated with the payment card used in the transaction.
last_4 Last 4 digits of the payment card or bank account used in the transactions.
security_code_verification Security code verification status of payment card used in the transaction. See here for more information.
address_verification Address verification status of payment card used in the transaction. See here for more information.
bank_account_validation_check Bank account validation status of bank account used in the transaction. See here for more information.
statement_descriptor The description of the transaction that appears on the buyer's bank or card statement.
item_type The type of the transaction. See here for more information.
item_subtype The subtype of the transaction. Provides additional details foritem_type. See here for more information.
payment_type The type of payment method used for the transaction. See here for more information.
payment_subtype If available, the subtype of the payment method used for the transaction. See here for more information.
payment_channel For card transactions only. Details if a card was present for the transaction. Available values include:
See here for more information.
transaction_amount The amount processed by the transaction (in dollars).
rent_surcharge_amount Amount of transaction_amount that is a rent surcharge amount. See here for more information.
convenience_amount Amount of transaction_amount that is a convenience amount. See here for more information.
  • The ID of the Fee Profile associated with the transaction.
  • The unique fee_profile_id begins with FP.
card_bps_rate Card transactions only. The base variable fee that was applied. Note: The Fee Profile can contain additional details or overrides that apply to this transaction. Use the linked fee_profile_id to find the details in the fee_profile_merchant report.
card_per_item_rate Card transactions only. The base per-item fee that was applied. Note: The Fee Profile can contain additional details or overrides that apply to this transaction. Use the linked fee_profile_id to find the details in the fee_profile_merchant report.
echeck_bps_rate eCheck transactions only. The base variable fee that was applied. Note: The Fee Profile can contain additional details or overrides that apply to this transaction. Use the linked fee_profile_id to find the details in the fee_profile_merchant report.
echeck_per_item_rate eCheck transactions only. The base per-item fee that was applied. Note: Th eFee Profile can contain additional details or overrides that apply to this transaction. Use the linked fee_profile_id to find the details in the fee_profile_merchant report.
fee_amount The total amount of fee collected for this transaction.
program_fee_amount The per-transaction fee collected by Finix for this transaction. (Finix Flex only)
  • This doesn't include any additional fees not directly tied to this transaction.
  • This field is left blank for Finix Core customers.
card_type Card transactions only. The type of the card used. See here for more information.
card_brand Card capture/sale transactions only. Echecks and refunds do not show this information. The brand of the card used.
interchange_category A description of the interchange rates applied to this transaction.
interchange_category_id The category ID of the interchange rate for this transaction.
interchange_bps_rate In basis points, the interchange variable rate charged for this transaction.
interchange_per_item The interchange per-item rate charged for this transaction.
interchange_amount The total interchange amount charged for this transaction.
merchant_settled_amount The total amount of the transaction that's settled to the merchant.
additional_settled_amount The total amount of the transaction that's settled to split recipients.
original_trace_id Refunds and reversals only. Thetrace_id from the original transaction.
original_transaction_id Refunds and reversals only. Thetransaction_id from the original transaction.
original_transaction_method Refund and reversals only. Details the method used to process the original transaction.
original_transaction_currency Refunds and reversals only. The currency of the original transaction.
original_transaction_amount Refunds and reversals only. The amount, in dollars, processed in the original transaction.
authorization_id Captures only. The ID of the relatedauthorization.
authorization_currency Captures only. The currency of the relatedauthorization.
authorization_amount Captures only. The amount, in dollars, of the relatedauthorization.
failure_code Code associated with a failed transaction. Only for transactions_failed report. See here for more information.
failure_message Message associated with a failed transaction. Only for transactions_failed report. See here for more information.
echeck_return_code Code associated with a returned echeck.
echeck_return_description Message associated with a returned echeck.
gateway Name of the gateway that processed this transaction.
processor Name of acquiring processor that settled the transaction.
settlement_id ID of theSettlement.
settlement_created_at A timestamp of when the merchantSettlement was created (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
settlement_updated_at A timestamp of when theSettlement was last updated (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
settlement_status The status of theSettlement. Available values include:
Merchants only receive payouts when Settlements are APPROVED. For more information, see Payouts.
settlement_total_amount Total (gross) amount of theSettlement.
settlement_total_fees Total fee amount of theSettlement.
settlement_net_amount Amount of Settlement remitted to merchant.
settlement_additional_amount Amount of Settlement remitted to additional split recipients.
should_fund Indicates if this transaction was funded directly or via direct settlement from a card brand. Example: American Express Conveyed transactions.
latest_funding_transfer_id ID of the funding instruction sent to merchant.
latest_funding_transfer_trace_id Trace ID of the funding instruction.
funding_transfer_state Status of the funding instruction.
funding_transfer_created_at When the funding instruction was created.
application_id ID of theApplication associated with the transaction.
application_business_name The registered name saved in theApplication resource.
application_doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in theApplication resource.
platform_id The ID of theplatform that processed the transaction.
platform_name The name saved in theplatform resource.
report_created_at A timestamp of when the report was created (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
report_range_start A timestamp that details the beginning of the range covered by this report (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
report_range_end A timestamp that details the end of the range covered by this report (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).

Authorization Reports

The Authorization report details authorizations, including success/failure, expiration, and capture.

  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • The report is generated on bank workdays.
Field Description
  • ID of the merchant's Identity associated with the transaction.
  • The unique merchant_identity_id begins with ID.
merchant_name The legal name saved in the Merchant resource.
merchant_doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in the Merchant resource.
mid MID of the Merchant.
mcc The Merchant Category Code (MCC) the Merchant is classified under.
  • Finix's ID for the Authorization resource.
  • The unique authorization_id begins with AU
authorization_state The status of the authorization. SUCCEEDED, FAILED, or CANCELED.
is_void If the authorization is now void.
created_at Timestamp of when the authorization was received by the processor (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
updated_at Timestamp of when the authorization was last updated (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
expires_at Timestamp of when the authorization expires. Can be a time in the past or the future. (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
  • ID of the Payment Instrument associated with the authorization.
  • The unique instrument_id begins with PI.
buyer_name Full name of the buyer associated with the authorization.
buyer_email E-mail of the buyer associated with the authorization.
buyer_zip Postal code of the buyer associated with the authorization.
bin BIN associated with the payment card used in the authorization.
last_4 Last 4 digits of the payment card or bank account used in the authorization.
card_type Card transactions only. The type of the card used. See here for more information.
card_brand Card transactions only. The brand of the card used.
security_code_verification Security code verification status of payment card used in the authorization. See here for more information.
address_verification Address verification status of payment card used in the authorization. See here for more information.
statement_descriptor The description of the transaction that appears on the buyer's bank or card statement.
item_type The type of the transaction. For authorizations, this is Authorization.
payment_channel For card transactions only. Details if a card was present for the transaction.
authorization_currency 3-letter ISO code designating the currency of the authorization. (e.g. USD)
authorization_amount The amount processed by the authorization (in dollars).
  • If this authorization has been captured, this field will be Finix's ID for the Transfer resource.
  • The unique transaction_id begins with TR
transaction_amount If this authorization has been captured, this will be the amount of the capture.
application_id ID of theApplication associated with the authorization.
application_business_name The registered name saved in theApplication resource.
application_doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in theApplication resource.
platform_id The ID of theplatform that processed the authorization.
platform_name The name saved in theplatform resource.
report_created_at A timestamp of when the report was created (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
report_range_start A timestamp that details the beginning of the range covered by this report (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
report_range_end A timestamp that details the end of the range covered by this report (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).

Transactions Settled

The Transactions Settled report details all the transactions that have settled since the previous business day. The report also includes transactions that settled over the weekend or on bank holidays.

Note the Settlement itself does not need to be approved or funded for the transaction to appear in this report.

  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • The report is generated on weekdays from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Field Description
  • ID of the Transfer resource.
  • The unique transfer_id begins with TR.
  • Trace ID of the Transfer. The processor sends back the trace_id so you can track the transaction end-to-end.
  • The unique trace_id begins with FNX, but can change depending on the processor of the transaction.
transfer_created_at Timestamp of when the transaction was created.
transfer_type Type of transaction. Valid values include:
  • DEBIT (Sale and capture transactions)
  • CREDIT (Refunds, reversals)
  • ID of the Application associated with the transaction.
  • The unique application_id begins with AP.
application_name Name of the Application associated with the transaction.
processor_id ID of the processor handling the transaction.
processor Name of the transaction processor.
  • ID of the Merchant associated with the transaction.
  • The unique merchant_id begins with MU.
  • ID of the Identity associated with the Merchant .
  • The unique merchant_identity_id begins with ID.
processor_mid MID of the Merchant .
currency 3-letter ISO code designating the currency of the Transfers. (e.g. USD)
amount The amount of the transaction (in dollars).
Fee The total fee that was withheld from the transaction (in dollars).
platform_fee If assessed, the platform fee that was applied to the transaction (in dollars).
application_fee If assessed, the application fee that was applied to the transaction (in dollars).
instrument_type The type of Payment Instrument used in the transaction. Possible values include:
  • VIRTUAL (for credits and reversals)
  • The ID of the Settlement associated with the transaction.
  • The unique settlement_id begins with ST.
settlement_created_at A timestamp of when the Settlement was created (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
settlement_total_amount Total amount of the Settlement (in dollars).
settlement_total_fees The total sum of fees in the Settlement (in dollars).
settlement_net_amount Total amount sent to the Merchant (in dollars).
  • The ID of the latest Funding Transfer associated with the Settlement. For more information about Funding Transfers, see Payouts.
  • The unique latest_funding_transfer_id begins with TR.
  • The latest funding trace_ID associated with the transaction.
  • The unique latest_funding_transfer_trace_id begins with FNX, but can change depending on the processor of the transaction.
funding_transfer_state The state of the Funding Transfer. Possible values include:
funding_transfer_created_at A timestamp of when the Funding Transfer was created.
  • The ID of the Fee Profile associated with the transaction.
  • The unique fee_profile_id begins with FP.
fee_profile_bps The Basis Point Fees on Credit Cards and Debit Cards.
fee_profile_fixed The Fixed Fee on Credit Cards and Debit Cards.
  • If TRUE Interchange is enabled.
  • If FALSE Interchange is not enabled.
fee_profile_ach_bps The Basis Point Fees on eCheck (ACH) transactions.
fee_profile_ach_fixed The Fixed Fee on eCheck (ACH) transactions.

Transaction Types for Reporting

Transaction metadata is available to help you quickly filter, find, and manage transactions. The metadata details the transactions processed and the Payment Instruments used.

Finix provides the following fields in the Transactions Settled and Transaction Interchange Reports:

  • item_type : Type of transaction for the reported line.
  • item_subtype : Additional information describing the item_type .
  • payment_type : The type of Payment Instrument used in the transaction (or the original payment).
  • payment_subtype : Additional information describing the payment_type .
  • payment_channel : Details if the transaction was card-present (a debit card was used), or card-not-present (e.g. ecommerce transactions).

The different values that can appear in the above fields include:

Field Values Description
item_type ADJUSTMENT A manual transfer of funds between the For Benefit of (FBO) account and the users' accounts.
item_type DISPUTE_TRANSFER A withdrawal or deposit to a merchant account following the outcome of a disputed charge.
item_type FEE The fees (in dollars) charged to the sub-merchant or the client
item_type P2C Real-time payments that use Finix's Push to Card APIs. This includes P2P payments and disbursements.
item_type PAYMENT Payments from cards, bank accounts, or other Payment Instruments, including captured charges.
item_type RETURN Payments or reverses that get returned following a payment failure.
item_type REVERSE Payments that got refunded to the buyer.
item_subtype APPLICATION_FEE Any fee that exceeds the program fee that's defined for the Merchant and/or Application.
item_subtype CAPTURE The clearing and transfer of funds from the buyer following the second part of a dual-message transaction.
item_subtype CUSTOM_FEE The subscription fee.
item_subtype MERCHANT_DEPOSIT A transfer of funds to a merchant account, for item_type DISPUTE_TRANSFER and ADJUSTMENT
item_subtype MERCHANT_WITHDRAWAL A transfer of funds from a merchant account, for item_type DISPUTE_TRANSFER and ADJUSTMENT
item_subtype PLATFORM_FEE The program fee.
item_subtype PULL_FROM_CARD A transfer of funds from a payment card using Finix's Push to Card APIs.
item_subtype PUSH_TO_CARD A transfer of funds to a payment card using Finix's Push to Card APIs.
item_subtype REFUND A payment refunded to the buyer.
item_subtype REFUND_RETURN A return of refunded funds to the Merchant , following a payment failure.
item_subtype RETURN A return of funds following a payment failure.
item_subtype SALE A transfer of funds from a buyer in a single-message transaction.
item_subtype UNREFERENCED_REFUND A payment that has been refunded to the buyer, but does not reference the original transaction.
payment_type CARD A payment card (e.g. A debit or credit card).
payment_type ECHECK A bank account.
payment_type VANTIV_OMNI_TOKEN A Worldpay-specific token that represents a Payment Instrument.
payment_subtype APPLE_PAY Indicates that a Payment Instrument was used with Apple Pay in a CARD_NOT_PRESENT transaction.
payment_subtype GOOGLE_PAY Indicates that a Payment Instrument was used with Google Pay in a CARD_NOT_PRESENT transaction.
payment_channel CARD_PRESENT A physical card got used in-person to process the payment (e.g The card was swiped, dipped, tapped, etc.).
payment_channel CARD_NOT_PRESENT The Payment Instrument used for the transaction got entered remotely. (e.g. online, phone, eCheck)

item_types and available subtypes

item_type item_subtype
  • SALE

payment_types and available subtypes and channels

payment_type payment_subtype payment_channel

Fee Profile - Merchant

The Fee Profile - Merchant report details all of your onboarded merchants and the fees applied to their transactions.

If a fee profile isn't set up for a merchant, the application or platform level fee profile gets applied instead.

  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • The report is generated on weekdays Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Field Name Description Prefix of the Finix Resource ID
  • ID of the Identity resource associated with the Merchant .
  • The unique identity_id begins with ID.
  • ID of the Merchant resource associated with the transaction.
  • The unique merchant_id begins with MU.
merchant_created_at A timestamp of when the Merchant was created.
  • ID of the Application associated with the transaction.
  • The unique application_id begins with AP.
business_name The full legal business name saved for the Merchant .
doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in the Merchant resource (if applicable).
processor Name of the transaction processor.
mcc The Merchant Category Code (MCC) the Merchant is classified under.
fee_profile_id The ID of the Fee Profile associated with the transaction.
card_basis_points The fee, in basis points, applied to credit and debit card transactions.
card_fixed_fee The fixed fee on credit and debit card transactions.
ach_debit_basis_points The fee, in basis points, on ACH Transfers.
ach_debit_fixed_fee The fixed fee on ACH Transfers.
charge_interchange_fees Set to True to incur interchange fees for card-based transfers
fee_profile_created_at A timestamp of the date the Fee Profile associated with the transaction was created.
line_1 The first address line saved in the Merchant resource.
line_2 The second address line saved in the Merchant resource.
city The city saved in the Merchant resource.
region The 2-letter State code saved in the Merchant resource.
postal_code The Postal code saved in the Merchant resource.
country The country saved in the Merchant resource.
processing_enabled Details if transaction processing is enabled for the Merchant .
settlement_enabled Details if settlement processing is enabled for the Merchant .
onboarding_state Details the state of the Merchant's Onboarding
application_name Application name
processor_submerchant_id Processor’s submerchant identification number
rounding_mode Details if a single TRANSACTION or a whole SETTLEMENT is rounded.
qualified tiers If specific functionality for qualified tiers are enabled or disabled. Usually null.
card_basis_points_decimal Version of card_basis_points that contains fractional values rounded to 1/10 of 1 basis point.
card_fixed_fee_decimal Version of card_fixed_fee that contains fractional values rounded to 1/10 of 1 cent granularity.
ach_debit_basis_points_decimal Version of ach_debit_basis_points that contains fractional values rounded to 1/10 of 1 basis point.
ach_debit_fixed_fee_decimal Version of ach_debit_fixed_fee that contains fractional values rounded to 1/10 of 1 cent granularity.
dispute_inquiry_fixed_fee The fee charged when a dispute is created with the state INQUIRY.
dispute_fixed_fee The fee charged when a dispute is created or moved to state PENDING .
ach_debit_return_fixed_fee Fee in cents of ACH debits (withdrawals) that are returned.
ach_credit_return_fixed_fee Fee in cents of ACH credits (deposits) that are returned.
visa_basis_points The percentage-based fee charged against the full amount of each Visa transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%).
visa_fixed_fee The fee (in cents) charged for each individual Visa transfer.
visa_charge_interchange Details if interchange fees are enabled for Visa transfers.
visa_assessments_basis_points The assessment fee charged to to all Visa credit transactions
visa_acquirer_processing_fixed_fee The fee charged to all U.S.-based credit card authorizations acquired in the U.S. regardless of where the issuer/cardholder is located. If your business is based in the U.S., the acquirer processing fee will apply to all Visa credit card Authorizations.
visa_credit_voucher_fixed_fee The fee applied to refunds.
visa_kilobyte_access_fixed_fee The fee charged on each Authorization transaction submitted to Visa’s network for settlement.
discover_basis_points The percentage-based fee charged against the full amount of each Discover transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%).
discover_fixed_fee The fee (in cents) charged for each individual Discover transfer.
discover_charge_interchange Details if interchange fees are enabled for Discover transfers.
discover_assessments_basis_points The fee applied to the gross Discover card volume.
discover_data_usage_fixed_fee The Discover data usage fee that applies to all U.S.-based authorization transactions.
discover_network_authorization_fixed_fee This fee applies to all Discover network authorizations and replaces any previously assessed discover_data_usage_fixed_fee.
diners_club_basis_points The percentage-based fee charged against the full amount of each diners transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%).
diners_club_fixed_fee The fee (in cents) charged for each individual diners transfer.
diners_club_charge_interchange Details if interchange fees are enabled for diners transfers.
mastercard_basis_points The percentage-based fee charged against the full amount of each MasterCard transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%).
mastercard_fixed_fee The fee (in cents) charged for each individual MasterCard transfer.
mastercard_charge_interchange Details if interchange fees are enabled for for MasterCard transfers.
mastercard_assessments_under1k_basis_points The assessment fee charged to Mastercard transactions less than or equal to $1,000.
mastercard_assessments_over1k_basis_points The assessment fee charged to Mastercard credit sale transactions greater than $1,000.
mastercard_acquirer_fees_basis_points This fee is assessed and based on a business’s gross MasterCard processing volume. This fee varies based on MasterCard’s assessed charge as it’s distributed across your portfolio of merchants. Generally, the ALF fee is a fraction of a basis point. For example, 0.0045%, 0.0075%, etc., are likely examples of a ALF fee.
jcb_basis_points The percentage-based fee charged against the full amount of each JCB transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%).
jcb_fixed_fee The fee (in cents) charged for each individual JCB transfer.
jcb_charge_interchange Details if interchange fees are enabled for JCB transfers.
american_express_basis_points The percentage-based fee charged against the full amount of each American Express transfer. Calculated as one hundredth of one percent (1 basis point = .0001 or .01%).
american_express_fixed_fee The fee (in cents) charged for each individual American Express transfer.
american_express_charge_interchange Details if interchange fees are enabled for American Express transfers.
american_express_assessment_basis_points The fee applied to the gross American Express card volume.
visa_base_II_system_file_transmission_fixed_fee The fee that's applied to all Visa transactions and is charged in addition to other transaction-based fess.
visa_base_II_credit_voucher_fixed_fee The fee applied to all U.S.-based refunds
ancillary_fixed_fee_primary An additional fixed fee that can be charged per Transfer
ancillary_fixed_fee_secondary An additional fixed fee that can be charged per Transfer if the ancillary_fixed_fee_primary is passed

Settlement Merchant

The Settled Merchant report shows you all the Settlements generated the day before and aggregated by Merchant . If a Merchant has multiple processing accounts, all accounts wil be aggregated in the report.

  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • The report is generated on weekdays from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Field Description Prefix of the Finix Resource ID
  • The ID of the Settlement resource.
  • The unique settlement_id begins with ST.
settlement_created_at A timestamp of when the merchant Settlement was created (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
  • ID of the Identity resource associated with the Merchant .
  • The unique identity_id begins with ID.
  • ID of the Merchant associated with the Settlement.
  • The unique merchant_id begins with MU.
merchant_created_at A timestamp of when the Merchant was created.
  • ID of the Application associated with the transaction.
  • The unique application_id begins with AP.
business_name The full legal business name saved for the Merchant .
doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in the Merchant resource (if applicable).
processor Name of the Settlement processor.
total_amount Total sum of the Settlement (Fees+Net Settled).
total_fees Sum of the fees in the Settlement.
net_settled Details the amount paid to Merchants (total_amount - total_Fees).
currency 3-letter ISO code designating the currency of the Settlement. (e.g. USD).
total_debit_amount The sum of all debit Transfers in the Settlement.
total_debit_count The total number of debit Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_reversal_amount The sum of of all reversal Transfers in the Settlement.
total_reversal_count The total number of reversal Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_credit_amount The sum of of all credit Transfers in the Settlement.
total_credit_count The total number of credit Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_dispute_debit_adjustment_amount The sum of all debit dispute adjustment Transfers in the Settlement.
total_dispute_debit_adjustment_count The total number of debit dispute adjustment Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_dispute_credit_adjustment_amount The sum of all credit dispute adjustment Transfers in the Settlement.
total_dispute_credit_adjustment_count The total number of credit dispute adjustment Transfers processed in the Settlement.
  • The ID of the Payment Instrument associated with the Settlement.
  • The unique payment_instrument_id begins with PI.
  • The ID of the latest Funding Transfer associated with the Settlement. For more information about Funding Transfers, see Payouts.
  • The unique transfer_id begins with TR.
funding_transfer_created_at A timestamp of when the Funding Transfer was created.
  • The latest funding trace_ID associated with the Funding Transfer.
  • The unique trace_id begins with FN, but can change depending on the processor of the transaction.
funding_transfer_state The state of the Funding Transfer. Possible values include:
payment_instrument_data Data associated with the Payment Instrument.
  • The Settlement ID associated with the platform.
  • The unique settlement_id begins with ST.
platform_settlement_created_at A timestamp of when the Settlement for the platform was created (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
  • The ID of the latest Funding Transfer associated with the Settlementof the platform.
  • The unique transfer_id begins with TR.
platform_funding_transfer_created_at A timestamp of when the Funding Transfer for the platform was created.
  • The trace_ID of the latest Funding Transfer associated with the platform.
  • The unique trace_id begins with FN, but can change depending on the processor of the transaction.
platform_funding_transfer_state The state of the Funding Transfer associated with the platform.
  • The ID of the Settlement associated with the Application.
  • The unique settlement_id begins with ST.
application_settlement_created_at A timestamp of when the Settlement for the Application was created (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
  • The ID of the latest Funding Transfer associated with the Settlementof the Application.
  • The unique transfer_id begins with TR.
application_funding_transfer_created_at A timestamp of when the Funding Transfer for the Application was created.
  • The trace_ID of the latest Funding Transfer associated with the Application.
  • The unique trace_id begins with FN, but can change depending on the processor of the transaction.
application_funding_transfer_state The state of the Funding Transfer associated with the Application.

Settlement Application

The Settled Application report shows you all the settlements generated the day before, aggregated by Application. If you are a Flex Client, this report shows only one line of data for the transactions processed with Finix.

  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • The report is generated on weekdays from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Field Description
  • ID of the Application associated with the transaction.
  • The unique application_id begins with AP.
created_at Date the Application was created at
business_name The full legal business name saved for the Application.
doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in the Application resource.
currency 3-letter ISO code designating the currency of the Settlement. (e.g. USD)
total_amount Total sum of the Settlement (Fees+Net Settled).
total_fees Sum of the fees in the Settlement.
net_settled Details the amount paid to Merchants (total_amount - total_Fees).
total_debit_amount The sum of all debit Transfers in the Settlement.
total_debit_count The total number of debit Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_reversal_amount The sum of of all reversal Transfers in the Settlement.
total_reversal_count The total number of reversal Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_credit_amount The sum of of all credit Transfers in the Settlement.
total_credit_count The total number of credit Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_dispute_debit_adjustment_amount The sum of all debit dispute adjustment Transfers in the Settlement.
total_dispute_debit_adjustment_count The total number of debit dispute adjustment Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_dispute_credit_adjustment_amount The sum of all credit dispute adjustment Transfers in the Settlement.
total_dispute_credit_adjustment_count The total number of credit dispute adjustment Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_merchant_settlement_count The total number of Settlements that were created with type MERCHANT.
total_merchant_debit_settlement_amount The sum of net_settled for all Settlements with type MERCHANT.
total_merchant_debit_settlement_count The total number of net_settled Settlements with type MERCHANT.

Settlement Processor

The Settled Processor report shows you all the settlements generated the day before, aggregated by Application and by processor. If you are a Flex Client, this report shows only one line of data for your business with Finix.

  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • The report is generated on weekdays from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Field Description
  • ID of the Application associated with the transaction.
  • The unique application_id begins with AP.
created_at When the Application was created
business_name The full legal business name saved for the Application.
doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in the Application resource.
processor Name of the settlement processor.
currency 3-letter ISO code designating the currency of the Settlement. (e.g. USD).
total_amount Total sum of the Settlement (Fees+Net Settled).
total_fees Sum of the fees in the Settlement.
total_debit_amount The sum of all debit Transfers in the Settlement.
total_debit_count The total number of debit Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_reversal_amount The sum of of all reversal Transfers in the Settlement.
total_reversal_count The total number of reversal Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_credit_amount The sum of of all credit Transfers in the Settlement.
total_credit_count The total number of credit Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_dispute_debit_adjustment_amount The sum of all debit dispute adjustment Transfers in the Settlement.
total_dispute_debit_adjustment_count The total number of debit dispute adjustment Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_dispute_credit_adjustment_amount The sum of all credit dispute adjustment Transfers in the Settlement.
total_dispute_credit_adjustment_count The total number of credit dispute adjustment Transfers processed in the Settlement.
total_merchant_settlement_count The total number of Settlements that were created with type MERCHANT.
total_merchant_debit_settlement_amount The sum of net_settled for all Settlements with type MERCHANT.
total_merchant_debit_settlement_count The total number of net_settled Settlements with type MERCHANT.

Disputes (Daily and Monthly)

The Disputes report shows all the chargebacks that got generated or updated the previous day. The CSV will be blank if no chargebacks are generated or updated on the previous day.

  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • The report is generated on weekdays from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Field Description
  • ID of the Dispute.
  • The unique dispute_id begins with DI.
  • ID of the Identity resource associated with the Merchant .
  • The unique merchant_identity_id begins with ID.
  • ID of the Merchant associated with the Dispute.
  • The unique merchant_id begins with MU.
merchant_created_at A timestamp of when the Merchant was created.
  • ID of the Application associated with the Dispute.
  • The unique application_id begins with AP.
business_name The full legal business name saved for the Merchant .
doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in the Merchant resource (if applicable).
processor Name of the Dispute processor.
dispute_created_at The date the Dispute was created
dispute_amount The total amount of the Dispute (in cents).
dispute_currency 3-letter ISO code designating the currency of the Dispute. (e.g. USD).
reason The reason for the Dispute. Available values include:
message The messages saved in the Dispute.
action The next action required to move forward with the Dispute.
respond_by The date the Merchant needs to submit evidence to supports their claim.
transfer_id The ID of the Transfer associated with the Dispute.
transfer_amount The total sum of the Transfer associated with the Dispute.
transfer_created_at A timestamp of when the Transfer was created.
  • The ID of the Transfer created to adjust funds due to the Dispute.
  • The unique transfer_id begins with TR.
  • The ID of the Settlement created to adjust funds due to the Dispute.
  • The unique settlement_id begins with ST.
adjustment_transfer_settlement_created_at A timestamp of when the Transfer was created to adjust funds.
settlement_funding_transfer_state The state of the Funding Transfer associated with the adjustment Settlement. Possible values include:
chargeback_settlement_exposure Exposure for a Settlement chargeback.
card_holder_name Name of the card holder saved in the Payment Instrument.
bin Bank Identification number for the Payment Instrument.
last_four Last four digits of the card or bank account number
brand The brand of the card saved in the Payment Instrument.
total_dispute_volume_past_30_days Total Dispute volume in the last 30 days.
total_dispute_volume_ratio_past_30_days Total Dispute volume / total processing volume in the last 30 days.
total_dispute_count_past_30_days The total number of Disputes processed over the last 30 days.
total_dispute_count_ratio_past_30_days The total number of Disputes that SUCCEEDED vs. FAILED over the last 30 days.
total_dispute_volume_past_year Total Dispute volume over the past year.
total_dispute_volume_ratio_past_year Total Dispute volume / total processing volume over the last year.
total_dispute_count_past_year Total number of Disputes processed over the last year.
total_dispute_count_ratio_past_year The total number of Disputes processed over the last year.
merchant_line_1 The first address line saved in the Merchant resource.
merchant_line_2 The second address line saved in the Merchant resource.
merchant_city The city saved in the Merchant resource.
merchant_region The 2-letter State code saved in the Merchant resource.
merchant_postal_code The Postal code saved in the Merchant resource.
merchant_country The country saved in the Merchant resource.
processing_enabled Details if transaction processing is enabled for the Merchant .
settlement_enabled Details if settlement processing is enabled for the Merchant .
merchant_onboarding_state Details the state of the Merchant's onboarding
dispute_updated_at A timestamp of the date the Dispute was last updated.

Disputes Historical

The Disputes Historical report gives you a view of yourMerchants and how they're processing chargebacks and Disputes. Merchants with higher disputes in the last 30 days are shown at the top of the report.

  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • The report is generated on weekdays from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Field Description
  • ID of the Identity resource associated with the Merchant .
  • The unique merchant_identity_id begins with ID.
  • ID of the Merchant associated with the Dispute.
  • The unique merchant_id begins with MU.
created_at A timestamp of when the Merchant was created.
  • ID of the Application associated with the Dispute
  • The unique application_id begins with AP.
business_name The full legal business name saved for the Merchant .
doing_business_as The "doing business as" name saved in the Merchant resource (if applicable).
processor Name of the Dispute processor.
total_dispute_volume_past_30_days Total Dispute volume in the last 30 days.
total_dispute_volume_ratio_past_30_days Total Dispute volume / total processing volume in the last 30 days.
total_dispute_count_past_30_days The total number of Disputes processed over the last 30 days.
total_dispute_count_ratio_past_30_days The total number of Disputes that SUCCEEDED vs. FAILED over the last 30 days.
total_dispute_volume_past_year Total Dispute volume over the past year.
total_dispute_volume_ratio_past_year Total Dispute volume / total processing volume over the last year.
total_dispute_count_past_year Total number of Disputes processed over the last year.
total_dispute_count_ratio_past_year The total number of Disputes processed over the last year.
line_1 The first address line saved in the Merchant resource.
line_2 The second address line saved in the Merchant resource.
city The city saved in the Merchant resource.
region The 2-letter State code saved in the Merchant resource.
postal_code The Postal code saved in the Merchant resource.
country The country saved in the Merchant resource.

Failed Funding Instructions

The Failed Funding Instructions report details every Funding Instruction, or payout, that was returned. Reasons Funding Instructions can return include a closed bank account, an incorrect bank account number, etc.

  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • All currencies are in the local currency (USD).
  • The report is generated on weekdays Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Field Name Description
Return Date A timestamp that details the when the Funding Instructions was returned (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
Original Date A timestamp that details the when the Funding Instructions was originally processed (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
Attempted Funds Transfer Date A timestamp that details when the attempt to push funds to the relevant Payment Instrument was made (in UTC using ISO8601 formatting).
Merchant Name The legal name saved in the Merchant resource.
Sub Merchant Business Name Merchant's full legal business name (If INDIVIDUAL_SOLE_PROPRIETORSHIP, use the control owner's first name, Full legal last name and middle initial; max 120 characters)
Funding Sub Merchant ID ID of the Merchant associated with the returned Funding Instructions.
Funds Transfer Request ID Trace ID of the Funding Instructions.
Vantiv Payment ID Unique identifier for transaction assigned by payment processor A Worldpay-specific ID that represents the Funding Instructions.
Txn Type The type of transaction. Possible values include:
  • FIPC: Funding Instruction PayFac Credit
  • FIPD: Funding Instruction PayFac Debit
  • FIRC: Funding Instruction Reserve Credit
  • FIPD: Funding Instruction Reserve Debit
  • FISC: Funding Instruction Sub-merchant Credit
  • FISD: Funding Instruction Sub-merchant Debit
  • FIVC: Funding Instruction Vendor Credit
  • FIVD: Funding Instruction Vendor Debit
  • FICC: Funding Instruction Physical Check Credit
  • FICD: Funding Instruction Physical Check Debit
Funds Transfer Amount The total sum of the Transfer associated with the Funding Instructions.
Reason Code The Reason Code details the reason why the Funding Instructions failed.
Reason Message The Reason Message provides more detail regarding why the Funding Instructions failed.
Routing Number The routing number for the bank account where Funding Instructions were sent.
Account Number The account number for the bank account where Funding Instructions were sent.
Account Name The name of the bank account owner.

For a list of the Reason Codes that can cause Funding Instructions to return and the next steps to take, see Resolving Funding Instruction Failures.