Account Updater

Update the card details you have saved for buyers using Finix's Account Updater.

Account Updater is a feature that automatically refreshes expired or updated card details for enabled Payment Instruments, eliminating the need for manual updates and ensuring uninterrupted payment processing.

There are three main reasons why a card may need to be updated:

  • New account number
  • New expiration date
  • Account closed

There are two ways to enable Account Updater:

  1. Enabling Account Updater for all Cards : You can choose to enable Account Updater for all new cards. This ensures that all of your cards will always be up-to-date.
  2. Enabling Account Updater at a Card Level : You can enable Account Updater at an individual card level. This can be particularly useful if you just want a subset of your payment instruments to be enabled for Account Updater.

Option 1: Enabling a Payment Instrument of type PAYMENT_CARD for Account Updater

Finix Dashboard

To enable a Payment Instrument for Account Updater:

  1. Navigate to a Payment Instrument detail page
  2. Find the Settings section
  3. Click on the Edit Button and enable

Payment Instrument Detail

Using the Finix API

You can use the Finix API to specify Payment Instruments to be enabled for Account Updater. You can pass in account_updater_enabled field. By default, we'll return false unless you enable account_updater_enabled at an Application level.

curl  -X POST \
  -u USsRhsHYZGBPnQw8CByJyEQW:8a14c2f9-d94b-4c72-8f5c-a62908e5b30e \ \
  -H 'Accept: application/hal+json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Finix-Version: 2022-02-01' \
  -d '{
    "account_updater_enabled": true,
    "address": {
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "country": "USA",
      "line1": "900 Metro Center Blv",
      "postal_code": "94404",
      "region": "CA"
    "expiration_month": 12,
    "expiration_year": 2029,
    "identity": "IDgWxBhfGYLLdkhxx2ddYf9K",
    "name": "John Smith",
    "number": "5200828282828210",
    "security_code": "022",
    "type": "PAYMENT_CARD"

Option 2: Enabling New Payment Instruments for Account Updater

To enable all new Payment Instruments for Account Updater, contact your Finix Representative or email This is a setting that will make it so all new Card Payment Instruments of type PAYMENT_CARD are enabled for Account Updater.

If you would like to include all previously created cardsfor Account Updater, please let us know in your request.

You can see if you are enabled for Account Updater by:

  1. Navigating to the Company Page on the Dashboard
  2. Clicking on Payment Instrument Settings

Company Payment Instrument Settings

Account Updater Logs

Viewing Instrument History Updates

When a Card is updated, we generate a instrument_history resource. You can see this instrument history resource on the Dashboard and via API.

Company Payment Instrument Settings

Available Card Updates

If Finix generates a card update, we'll create an Instrument History resource with one of the following enumerators.

Enumerator Description
CLOSED_CARD The cardholder's card has been closed.
CONTACT_CARDHOLDER The cardholder has opted-out of the Account Updater service with their bank.
EXPIRATION_UPDATED The expiration date has been updated.
FRAUD_REPORTED Fraud has been reported at the seller.
INACTIVE_MERCHANT The Merchant has not been onboarded with American Express.
NOTRANSACTIONALACTIVITY American Express requires the card to have at least one transaction associated to the Application before returning updates.
NOT_FOUND Card’s Issuing Bank does not participate in Account Updater. This enumerator will only be returned once.
NUMBERANDEXPIRATION_UPDATED Both the expiration date and card number have been updated.
NUMBER_UPDATED The card number has been updated.