Handling Payout Failures

Learn how to view and handle Payout Failures

Payouts may fail for a number of reasons. Payout failures fall into three major categories:

  • Velocity Rule Failures: Failures for exceeding Velocity Rules
  • Balance Amount Failures: Failures for attempting to exceed the available balance in your account.
  • Third-Party Network Failures: Failures from the card networks (e.g. Visa, Mastercard) or ACH network.

Velocity Rule Failures

Velocity Rule failures can be the most common reasons why a payout fails. If you require a higher velocity limit, please email your Finix Point of Contact. We may follow up with additional documentation requests.

API response for Velocity Rules

    "id": "TRfb1QBrJVWY3UYpsX4qscDr",
    "created_at": "2024-07-23T18:21:58.51Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-07-23T18:21:58.51Z",
    "additional_buyer_charges": null,
    "additional_healthcare_data": null,
    "additional_purchase_data": null,
    "address_verification": null,
    "amount": 987650,
    "amount_requested": 987650,
    "application": "AP9oVc9EjXbupwTqXJ9BRR2N",
    "currency": "USD",
    "destination": null,
    "externally_funded": "UNKNOWN",
    "failure_code": "VELOCITY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED",
    "failure_message": "Daily volume limit exceeded for APPLICATION; Monthly volume limit exceeded for APPLICATION; Daily volume limit exceeded for SENDER; Monthly volume limit exceeded for SENDER",
    "fee": 0,
    "idempotency_id": null,
    "merchant": "MUvYobRWG33L5XKiDZmArTGu",
    "merchant_identity": "ID2wWmoMhhhLZxveU2qCJ4mp",
    "messages": [
    "operation_key": "PULL_FROM_CARD",
    "parent_transfer": null,
    "parent_transfer_trace_id": null,
    "raw": null,
    "ready_to_settle_at": null,
    "receipt_last_printed_at": null,
    "security_code_verification": null,
    "source": "PIt7H487HYBZTHXNLjuHESp8",
    "split_transfers": [
    "state": "FAILED",
    "statement_descriptor": null,
    "subtype": "API",
    "tags": {
        "test": "Velocity Limit Exceeded"
    "tip_amount": null,
    "trace_id": "f339e82c-39eb-42bc-85c6-a9515ea9419a",
    "type": "DEBIT",
    "_links": {
        "application": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/applications/AP9oVc9EjXbupwTqXJ9BRR2N"
        "self": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRfb1QBrJVWY3UYpsX4qscDr"
        "merchant_identity": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/ID2wWmoMhhhLZxveU2qCJ4mp"
        "payment_instruments": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRfb1QBrJVWY3UYpsX4qscDr/payment_instruments"
        "reversals": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRfb1QBrJVWY3UYpsX4qscDr/reversals"
        "fees": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRfb1QBrJVWY3UYpsX4qscDr/fees"
        "disputes": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRfb1QBrJVWY3UYpsX4qscDr/disputes"
        "source": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments/PIt7H487HYBZTHXNLjuHESp8"
        "fee_profile": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/fee_profiles/FPoiqRAzS2Yo33RqqS5995db"

Velocity Rule Error Codes

Error Code Description
VELOCITY_RULE_NOT_FOUND Velocity rule not found. Please contact support if you have any questions.
VELOCITY_VALIDATION_FAILED Velocity validation failed. Please contact support if you have any questions.
VELOCITY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED See below for Velocity Limit Exceeded possible values:

Velocity Limit Exceeded Possible Values

When exceeding the velocity rules, Finix will return a list of values that exceeded the velocity rules.

These are the possible values:

  • Monthly count limit exceeded for APPLICATION
  • Monthly count limit exceeded for RECIPIENT
  • Monthly count limit exceeded for SENDER
  • Daily count limit exceeded for APPLICATION
  • Daily count limit exceeded for RECIPIENT
  • Daily count limit exceeded for SENDER
  • Monthly volume limit exceeded for APPLICATION
  • Monthly volume limit exceeded for RECIPIENT
  • Monthly volume limit exceeded for SENDER
  • Daily volume limit exceeded for APPLICATION
  • Daily volume limit exceeded for RECIPIENT
  • Daily volume limit exceeded for SENDER
  • Maximum amount exceeded for APPLICATION
  • Maximum amount exceeded for RECIPIENT
  • Maximum amount exceeded for SENDER

Balance Amount Failures

Each payout customer has a Balance that they can use to send payouts to recipients. When sending a payout, your Balance is decremented. Finix returns the following error when you attempt to send more than your available balance.

API Response for Balance Amount Failures

    "id": "TRfjvCVjrwwVSHRxukXFVRJr",
    "created_at": "2024-07-23T18:22:00.50Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-07-23T18:22:00.50Z",
    "additional_buyer_charges": null,
    "additional_healthcare_data": null,
    "additional_purchase_data": null,
    "address_verification": null,
    "amount": 8,
    "amount_requested": 8,
    "application": "AP9oVc9EjXbupwTqXJ9BRR2N",
    "currency": "USD",
    "destination": "PItQHHw4ooFYgSFAcvoLKbX9",
    "externally_funded": "UNKNOWN",
    "failure_code": "INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE",
    "failure_message": "Your account balance is insufficient for this operation. Please contact support if you have any questions.",
    "fee": 0,
    "idempotency_id": null,
    "merchant": "MUf8sYLSLqKzN1FaPZjLRrhW",
    "merchant_identity": "IDvHPSftftx9RjUKnibnhHN5",
    "messages": [
    "operation_key": "PUSH_TO_CARD",
    "parent_transfer": null,
    "parent_transfer_trace_id": null,
    "raw": null,
    "ready_to_settle_at": null,
    "receipt_last_printed_at": null,
    "security_code_verification": null,
    "source": null,
    "split_transfers": [
    "state": "FAILED",
    "statement_descriptor": null,
    "subtype": "API",
    "tags": {
        "test": "Disbursements P2C"
    "tip_amount": null,
    "trace_id": "82087d5e-fe69-4253-9773-13c3917fcab4",
    "type": "CREDIT",
    "_links": {
        "application": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/applications/AP9oVc9EjXbupwTqXJ9BRR2N"
        "self": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRfjvCVjrwwVSHRxukXFVRJr"
        "merchant_identity": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/identities/IDvHPSftftx9RjUKnibnhHN5"
        "payment_instruments": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRfjvCVjrwwVSHRxukXFVRJr/payment_instruments"
        "reversals": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRfjvCVjrwwVSHRxukXFVRJr/reversals"
        "fees": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRfjvCVjrwwVSHRxukXFVRJr/fees"
        "disputes": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/transfers/TRfjvCVjrwwVSHRxukXFVRJr/disputes"
        "destination": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/payment_instruments/PItQHHw4ooFYgSFAcvoLKbX9"
        "fee_profile": {
            "href": "https://finix.sandbox-payments-api.com/fee_profiles/FPoiqRAzS2Yo33RqqS5995db"

Balance Amount Error Codes

Error Code Description
INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Your account balance is insufficient for this operation. Please contact support if you have any questions.
BALANCE_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND Balance Account not found. Please contact support if you have questions.
BALANCE_VALIDATION_FAILED Balance Validation failed.

Third-Party Network Failures

Third-party networks occasionally return an error to Finix for a Payout. A common example could include attempting a payout to an unsupported card.

Finix will return a Failed Transfer. In these scenarios, we recommend viewing the Transfer#messages object for additional details.